News Update

Hello Supporters of Mary's Haven,

We have a new client! Miss J signed on to our Covenants yesterday. We received a call from TAP earlier this week about her needs and their thoughts that she would be a good candidate for us. Her baby boy is due August 10th. We feel very blessed to now have our apartment filled with two clients.

I can't give enough praise to the volunteers who work with our clients. They are so loving and caring. I know Miss J will benefit from their support as well.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we grow, becoming more known in the community of Roanoke and work with our clients.

As always, I humbly give thanks each day for all of you who continually support Mary's Haven financially. We would not be here without you.

Today I rejoice in our faithful God, from whom all good things come.

Yours in Christ,

Dorothy Marshall

Executive Director


5-14-23 News Update


Mary’s Haven News